Reef 礁器

Reef: Experiment with the possibility of craft materials local production Attempts to use daily and urban wastes to replace more than 30% of raw ceramic material. Taking the appearance of fish scales after firing, which develop from the Material Driven Design method,...

Island Impression 島嶼印象

Island Impressions: Landscape Homeware Collection Inspired by the interaction of the earth’s appearance and timelessness, the design retains the impression of the natural scenery changes. White porcelain made of local kaolin, through the possibility of glazes,...


LEAF: Collection and preservation method of fallen leaves Through the accumulation of time, countless fallen leaves in the city were collected, cleaned, sorted, and then rubbed piece by piece. The leaves include those street trees that pass by daily, overlap the...


尋瓷:手中的吉光片羽,那些將被時間帶走的人事物 2017.Jun︱中國.景德鎮︱編輯:林霈安 Eartha 面臨拆除的陶坊。攝影 / Eartha 「因為想要創作出更好的器皿。」 一個再單純不過的理由和心意,領著我走訪過日本古窯、泰國青瓷、柬國傳統製陶,卻遲遲無法踏上瓷工藝的起源之處–中國。「尋瓷」這個計畫,因此有了強烈的慾望,那個在歐美藝術家們口中,會改變創作者一生的地方。...